Houssem Eddine Ben Khalifa

Software Engineer

I am a Fullstack Software Engineer, with 2 years of experience working with Javascript technologies. I've mainly worked with ReactJS, NodeJS, SQL and MongoDB, but I have also created a variety of projects in Python, C and Linux.
Meanwhile, I'm looking for a fulltime position preferably working with Javascript or Python. Where I could add value to the team and grow as developer.
In my past academic and professional experiences, I've worked with a variety of people from different backgrounds.
I consider myself as a versatile and curious individual.


Frontend ReactJS Developer


  • suivi.co is a collaborative action management & tracking solution.
  • The app was built with AngularJS and I joined the team as the only ReactJS developer.
  • Worked in an office with remote teams in Tunis and France.
  • Created the new web app components and features using HTML, CSS, JS, Sass and ReactJS.

June 2018 - September 2019

FullStack Javascript developer & Teaching Assistant

Go My Code

  • Created a full stack web application in MERN STACK.
  • Built web pages and components in HTML, CSS, JS & React for different projects.
  • Taught students web technologies.

December 2017 - May 2018

Network Technician Intern

Telecommunication Companies, Banks and Administrations

  • During my Network Infrastructure studying, I interned for over a year at different companies and banks.
  • I did the majority of my internships at Tunisie Telecom, where I worked with different team at various departments.
  • I did intern for STB Bank, BIAT Bank and The National Social Security Administration.
  • To find out more about what I did at each internship, check my LinkedIn profile.

December 2014 - December 2016


Holberton School - Tunis

Full Stack Web Development

Covered a lot of technical concepts, algorithms & DS and built different projects with the following technologies:

  • HTML, CSS Bootstrap & Responsive Design.
  • Modern Javascript
  • React / Redux
  • Node.js / Express.js
  • Redis
  • Data structures & Algorithms
  • MySQL / MongoDB
July 2020 - May 2021

Holberton School - Tunis

Software Engineering & Computer Science
Holberton school is a peer-learning, project-guided, full stack software engineering school founded in San Francisco, USA

Some of the school Projects:

  • Implement multiple sorting algorithms and data structures (Arrays, Stack, Queues, Heap, Merge, Quick, Binary trees, Linked Lists...).
  • Build a replication of the printf() function
  • Recreate a simple shell program in a Linux environment
  • Build a Monty Interpreter.

Covered Technologies:

  • C, Python, Bash, Linux.
  • Data Structures & algorithms.
  • MySQL, DevOps...
September 2019 - June 2020

CSFT Cite elKhadhra - Tunis

Infrastructure & Access Network
Obtained an Associate's Degree to become a network and infrastructure technician.
April 2014 - December 2016


Programming Languages & Tools
Programming Summary & Preferences
  • Worked on various projects with Javascript, Python, C and Linux.
  • Most comfortable working with Javascript and Python technologies.
  • Prefer working on web applications development.
  • Focusing on web development with ReactJS and other Python & Javascript backend technologies.
  • Interested in mobile app development with React Native.
  • Aiming to get better at Responsive Design.
  • Eager to learn other web technologies like Ruby and Go...


Apart from being a Software Engineer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the weekend, I go hicking in the countryside, going on bicycle rides or learning about Stoicism and Psychology.
During the warmer months here in Tunisia, I enjoy camping, exploring new areas or chilling on the beach.

After a long work day, I usually go to the gym, to a dancing class or hangout with my friends.
I spend a good amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the software engineering world.


AirBnB Clone

School project

This is a guided project, divided into smaller project during the second half of the foundation year at Holberton School.

You can view the full project on Github

This is a simple AirBnB clone that is mainly made of these components:

  • A command interpreter to manipulate data without a visual interface, like in a Shell (perfect for development and debugging)
  • A website (the front-end) that shows the final product to everybody: static and dynamic
  • A database or files that store data (data = objects)
  • An API that provides a communication interface between the front-end and your data (retrieve, create, delete, update them).

Tech Stack

  • Python, Flask
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap

Screen Shots

AirBnB Architecture
The AirBnB full architecture
AirBnB Frontend screenshot
A screenshot of the AirBnB frontend
February 2020 - May 2020


You can contact me through my email houssem.eddine.ben.khalifa@outlook.com

Also you can reach me out on the following platforms